Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hello Hong Kong!

Woke up (lunchtime - only because we are on UK hours, of course!), booked a flight, called Raj and said we're arriving this evening and he very kindly invited us to stay, 2 hours later at the airport and off to Hong Kong. All a bit of a rush! As it is both Divali and Hari Rai (Muslim end of Ramadan fasting) at the weekend it is a long bank hol in Singapore so all the flights were booked up or way more expensive so we had to make a quick decision so as not to get stuck.

OK, now you can laugh at us escaping a polluted city and heading instead for Hong Kong!

We are on the 31st floor, Penthouse, sweetie. For those of you who know HK we are a couple of streets up from SoHo near the escalator. Very mad being overlooked by literally thousands of windows, even when on the roof terrace - but great if you want to be a nosey parker! Above is the view from the living room, below left from the kitchen, and below right from the dining room.

Just don't look down...


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